Just a page of my opinions and things I find interesting or amusing. Thank You For Reading. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chivalry, stick a fork in it! Its done! You can beat it with a stick, its deader than a dead horse.

I am so tired of seeing men race women for seats on the train.  I am tired of them going to sit and not even looking around to see if a woman needs a seat.  I don't necessarily mean me.  Although that would be nice.  I am talking about little old lady types, or big old lady types, or not so old lady types, or pregnant lady types, or obviously in pain or injured lady types, or old men lady types.  I could go on and on about who should be sitting before an able bodied 18-55 year old man.  I can count on one hand the number of times a man has gotten up for me.  And again, I'd only need the one hand to count the number of times I've seen a man get up for any of the types listed above.  I've actually gotten up more to offer my seat.  Its amazing how the men sit so proudly, so accomplished after they've dashed through a crowd to get to a seat.  I remember one time I got on the 1 train at 96th street going uptown.  I took a look down the row of 8 seats in the middle of the train.  Who was there? 7 of the 8 were healthy men.  I looked around to see who was standing nearby in seat-offerable position.  There were at least 8 women.  I don't know, or necessarily care where this all falls in the women's equality movement.  But it just seems wrong, especially when men are practically knocking women over, pushing them out the way, and basically telling those who really need a seat, "move bitch get out the way!"

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